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Next steps

Your responses, and those gathered as part of our ongoing programme of engagement, will inform the development of the Framework Masterplan which will likely end up bringing together different ideas and other options which we will share with you at the next stage engagement event.

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Get your neighbours involved

The more people involved, the better the needs of the whole community will be reflected. Please share the project with people you know locally.


During each stage of the engagement, we want to hear from you. This is our outline engagement strategy.

Stage 1: Introductions, meet the team & initial ideas

May 2023 to June 2023

During Stage 1 there is an opportunity to come and talk to us at a meet and greet, we will be listening to get a detailed understanding of the site, what local needs and aspirations are, as well as who we need to be engaging with from your knowledge and valuable understanding of the area.

We will be asking for your input and feedback on initial ideas, emerging vision and concept options. We hope we can work with you to shape the masterplan together and ensure a robust future for Hartley Gardens.

Stage 2: Draft Framework Masterplan and Supplementary Planning Document

Spring 2024

During Stage 2 we will present the Draft Framework Masterplan and Supplementary Planning Document. Tendring District Council will be hosting formal engagement on the documents. You will be able to find out more information and updates on this dedicated website nearer the time.

Stage 3: Final Framework Masterplan and Planning Application

Summer 2024

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Your personal information is captured, held and processed by Participatr Limited for the purposes of this project only. Participatr Limited has created and launched this engagement platform on behalf of Homes England, and we collectively make decisions about how personal information is captured, held, processed and analysed, meaning that we are joint data controllers for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Your name and email address is used to identify you as a single respondent and to send you news and information about this project. Your postcode is used to understand the broad location of respondents and will not be used to cintact you in any way. All of your personal information is held in a secure database on a server located in the United Kingdom. For more information about how we use your personal information, please visit our privacy policy.